Japanese Courses for Missionaries

Learn to share the Gospel and pray in Japanese with professional and passionate kingdom-minded teachers. We have online Japanese group courses so you can reach the least reached.

Missionary Course Menu

Our goal is to help you improve your Japanese skills. Our lessons offer both quality and value for money.

Online Gospel Courses

These courses will enable students to develop the language necessary to express the gospel with confidence.

Gospel (3-circles) Course
Gospel presentation and 15 second testimony

  • The 3-circles is a simple presentation and proven method in communicating the gospel in a visually understandable way.
  • The 15 second testimony is a presentation tool to enable you to simply drop your testimony into a conversation in a natural and simple way

Online Prayer Courses

To learn the vocabulary and sentence patterns to be able to pray confidently in Japanese in church and discipleship contexts.

We will cover the grammar necessary for the following:
  • Praise & Thanksgiving
  • Petition
  • Confession
  • Closing
  • During every class, students will get a chance to practice prayer sentences in-class and homework
  • After covering all the grammar and the students mastered the grammar points necessary for prayers, the next step is to practice prayer by citing Bible verses.
  • We will connect what we learn with real life and have time of fellowship and encouragement each lesson, sharing what we were thankful for during the week and  any prayer requests

Prayer 1

Mondays 10:30-11:50
March 3 to June 23
14 sessions

Prayer 2

Fridays 10:00-11:20
February 7 to May 23
14 sessions

Gospel (3 circles)

8 sessions

Course Details

  • Trained Christian Japanese language teachers
  • 80 minutes per group class (Zoom)
  • 1 class per week
  • No sign-up fees
  • Course levels
    • Gospel (3 circles) – Pre-Intermediate level
    • Gospel (Kanji Practice) – Pre-Intermediate level
    • Prayer 1 – Elementary Level
    • Prayer 2 – Pre-Intermediate level
  • The Japanese Classes for Missionaries are produced and held in cooperation with Connect Mission Support Center


Tuition is paid before the course starts. We accept cash, credit-card, and bank transfer.

Prayer Courses

Total: ¥42,000 (incl. tax)

Gospel Courses

Total: ¥30,000 (incl. tax)

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Do all prices include sales tax?
Yes. Sales tax is included.

The day and time of the class don’t work for me. What should I do?
Instead of joining the Zoom sessions, you can watch the recorded classes. We offer a 50% discount for those who do not join the live Zoom sessions.

What happens if I am absent?
Upon your request, we can record the Zoom session for you.

I have another question!

Send us your question and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Find your level and apply now

Take our quick level check and apply now. We will then arrange a consultation meeting with you to find the most suitable class for you.

Level Check and Sign-up Form

Find your level

Please fill out this form and take our level check. We will contact you and arrange a consultation online or at our school so we can determine which class best matches your level and goals. This is free of charge. After filling out the above form you will immediately get an email which will show your result.

    Choose your Course (required)

    When would you like to have an online consultation? (30 minutes)

    First option

    Second option

    Your contact information (required)

    What's your first name? (required)

    What's your family name? (required)

    What's your email address? (required)

    What's your telephone number?

    What's your occupation? (optional)

    Additional Message

    Please press 'Send Application' only once.

    IMPORTANT: We will send you a confirmation email immediately after you submit this form. If you do not receive this email within 5 minutes, please check your junk mail folder and check that you entered your email address correctly.