Blog in Japanese & English

What is Immersion learning? (Part1)







What is Immersion learning?

There are two main ways of learning a language: the ‘skill-building’ approach and the ‘acquisition’ approach.

You can imagine the ‘skill-building’ approach as building a brick wall. Students learn individual words and grammar (the bricks) which they combine to create understandable sentences (the wall).

This is a great method if you are a beginner or need to learn a language quickly, for example going on holiday, but is not so useful for intermediate or advanced students who want to become fluent. To speak fluently, you don’t have time to build complex sentences or worry about perfect grammar, you need the right words to come into your head quickly. Think about your native language; you probably don’t know or even consider the various grammar rules or intonation of your language. Instead, you picked up the language from daily life over many years, and now just say what you are thinking naturally. We call this language acquisition.

You can acquire Japanese in exactly the same way as you acquired your native language; by listening, reading and watching as much Japanese as possible. This is called Immersion Learning. By listening to or reading lots of native Japanese, you will also unconsciously improve your speaking and writing skills, without needing to ‘build’ sentences that sound awkward or unnatural. Becoming fluent takes a long time, but with immersion learning it can also be fun, so don’t give up and you will start to see the results of your hard work! 


Fluent – 流暢な (りゅうちょうな)

Language Acquisition言語習得 (げんごしゅうとく)


Immersion Learningイマージョン学習 (がくしゅう)

Unconsciously無意識に (むいしきに)

If you’d like to know more about how to use immersion learning to study English, look forward to our next blog post where we’ll give you five tips on how to do it well.



Blog, Culture







punnet (n) – 果物や野菜を入れる小さなかごや箱。

a bit of an extravagance – 少し贅沢な

mega money – 非常に高価

without a shadow of a doubt – (これは)間違いなく真実である。

Here’s a YouTube video from a British TV show. In the video, British chef and TV host Paul Hollywood gets a big shock when he visits a strawberry farm in Japan. Take a look at his reaction to luxury Japanese strawberries here:

Not all fruit in Japan is as expensive as the strawberries seen by Mr Hollywood, but the video shows just how differently people in the UK think about fruit when compared to people in Japan. Fruit in the UK is rarely seen as a luxury, and is almost never given as a gift. It is more often seen as a cheap, healthy snack, or maybe something used for baking or making smoothies. As a result, fruit is usually much cheaper in the UK than in Japan. You can buy a bag of six apples at a supermarket in the UK for as little as 70 pence (¥113 at the time of writing). Even the most expensive bag of six apples at the British supermarket chain Tesco will only cost you £2.80 (¥451). As for strawberries, a 227g punnet (about 10 strawberries) at Tesco ranges from £1.50 to £2.50 (¥245 to ¥402).

Perhaps now you can understand why Mr Hollywood is so surprised at even the lower-priced strawberries in the video.

What do you think? Is fruit in Japan too expensive, or is it worth the price?


Here are some words and phrases from the video:

punnet (n) – a small basket or box used for fruit or vegetables

a bit of an extravagance – an expensive purchase

mega money – very expensive

without a shadow of a doubt – (this is) definitely true